Ergonomic Tips for Computer Users

Study of how people physically interact with their work – fitting the job, the equipment and the work environment to the worker.
Office of Horrors
Ideal Office
Additional Setup Steps
Eliminate any reflection on your monitor
Position any additional equipment in accessible places.
Exercises for the office
One of the biggest injury risk factors is static posture.
Try to spend at least 5 minutes every hour away from your computer.
Remember to ONLY stretch to the point of mild tension.
Try to incorporate the stretches into your daily routine.
This slide provides some illustrations of simple active stretches to perform at the office.

Hand Exercises
Tightly clench your hand into a fist and release, fanning out the fingers. Repeat 3 times
Back and Shoulder Exercises
Stand up straight, place your right hand on your left shoulder and move your head back gently. Do the same thing for the right shoulder
Head and Neck Exercises
Move head sideways from left to right and back to left
Move head backwards and then forward

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Parag February 25, 2010 at 9:54 PM  

It's very important to set up office ergonomics in an acceptable manner.Ergonomics in the office,specially computer ergonomics should be given top priority as most of the work is done on computers.The pictures in this blog can be very useful in learning how to set up computer ergonomics.

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